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H.M.S. Pinafore - September 2003

Drawing on several of his earlier "bab ballad" poems, Gilbert embued HMS Pinafore with mirth and silliness to spare. The opera's gentle satire reprises and builds upon one of The Sorcerer's themes: Love between members of different social classes. The gentlemanly Captain of the Pinafore, who claims that he would never swear at his crew (What, Never?), does not know that his daughter has fallen in love with a common sailor serving on her father's ship. Meanwhile, the Captain has arranged for her to marry the First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Joseph Porter. Sir Joseph himself has risen from humble beginnings to gain his office by political acumen, despite having never gone to sea! And the Captain himself fancies a poor bumboat woman. Fear not: it all works out in the end. Hip, hip, hoorah!



The T. Hon. Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B……Greg Ashley

Captain Corcoran……………….…………...Brett Hall

Ralph Rackstraw………………….………….Ric VanSkyock

Dick Deadeye………………………..………..Pete Vogler

Bill Bobstay, Boatswain…………………….Glen Priest

Bob Becket, Carpenter’s Mate…….……...Seth Rodden

Josephine Corcoran………………….……...Linda Priest Rodden

Cousin Hebe…………………………..………Vickie Fuller Kibellus

Little Buttercup…………………………….….Bev Wolford


Sailors………….……….Toby Jones, Lucas Rodden, Mark Landess

                                    Seth Rodden, Jason McGraw, Glen Priest

                                    Ric VanSkyock, Pete Vogler


Sir Joseph’s Sisters, Cousins, Aunts…..Marsha Bisel, Jenneifer McFarland

                                    Chris Compton, Shanna Camacho, Laura Vogler

                                    Erna Reynolds, Lisa McShane, Vickie Fuller Kibellus,

                                    Lauren Haggenjos


Soldiers…………………Andrew Kibellus, Lee Haggenjos, Tristan Rodden


Pit Orchestra………..…Piano - Margaret Hammond, Trumpet - Kelly Smeltzer

                                    Violin - T.J. Hull, Flute - Clint Steinbrunner

                                    Cello-Ken Smith




Producer/Director………………………….….Linda Priest Rodden

Assistant Director……………………….…….Vickie Fuller Kibellus

Choreographer…………………………..…….Ric VanSkyock

Lights……………………………………….……Ron Bisel

Lighting Design….………………………….…Bev Wolford, Ric VanSkyock

Scenery Artist….……………………….………Heather Steed

Costumes………………………………….…….Priscilla McFarland, Vickie F. Kibellus,

       Linda P. Rodden

Stage Manager………………………………...Matt McCord                      

The Sailors
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Sir Joseph's Sisters, Cousins, Aunts
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Captain Corcoran & Sir Joseph
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A Sailor & Josephine Corcoran
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Web design by H. Hill of River City Productions